Great things happen where innovation and industry meet.
Discover the Echidna advantage: a fusion of innovative design, unmatched durability, and eco-friendly materials. Elevate your flooring installation to unparalleled standards with Echidna Strip.

Recycled Plastic

It can take thousands of years for waste plastic to breakdown in the environment. This makes it the perfect material to withstand the harsh conditions found under carpet, which means no product degradation by water or changes in temperature. RAM Manufacturing aims to remove waste plastic from the single-use cycle, providing a long-term use for material that would otherwise end up in landfill or our oceans.
Bends to the Curvature of Walls

When laying carpet along curved edges, wooden tack strips need to be cut into several smaller
sections to contour to walls. Due to the inconsistencies of the tucking, this often leaves an unclean finish. Because Echidna Strips are made from recycled plastic, they can easily bend to any shape and contour of walls and achieve the same effect without the time, effort and waste, leaving a sharp, clean finish every time.
Set Back Securing Nails

Setting the securing nail back a few millimetres makes a huge difference when installing Echidna
Strips. This small offset will give layers a little more wiggle room when swing their hammer, saving
walls and skirting boards from unnecessary damage.
Stainless Steal Pins and Fasteners

Replacing steel pins and nails with stainless steel is the last step to ensuring our product has a long
service life, eliminating the possibility of pins and nails rusting away and ensuring that the Echidna
Strip will withstand the test of time.
Efficiency Edge

The edge of the Echidna Strips is specifically designed to improve the efficiency of layers when
trimming in underlay, as it provides a groove for carpet layers knives’ to ride in and so prevents the
knife from sliding over the top of the strip, hitting the pins, and becoming blunt.
Proudly Australian Made

Echidna strips are produced in the Hunter region, providing quality jobs for locals in the community.
We also remove waste plastic from within Australia, contributing to our nation’s sustainability goals
in reducing and reusing plastic waste.
Depper Pocket to Tuck Carpet.

Echidna strips are designed to have a deeper tucking edge which allows for more carpet to be
tucked. This is ideal for thicker carpets and gives layers more leeway when trimming carpet edges.
Textured Underside

To ensure that Echidna Strips completely bond with the glue, our innovative textured surface is
added to the underside, which increases the glue’s effectiveness.